Sunday, July 15, 2012

#3 Sweet Unforgettable Day Reaction

The story is about a woman who truly misses her mom and even though years have already passed since the death of her mother, she can still feel the emptiness and depression after their lost.Well, who wouldn't feel that same way that the one who was responsible on giving birth of us and the one who cared very much for us would go away? Each and everyone of us would feel that sad emotion deep inside us. It was not only her but all the other members of the family felt the same way. They missed the light of their home and the woman  who cared for all of them. As a child, we should cherish our loved ones because we wouldn't know when will the time int which they cannot be with us anymore. The best thing that we could just do is  to make every moment special and  cherish the love that is being shared to us. 

Then there comes this day where there was a  wedding which was held in their house and while finishing the decorations and arrangement for the wedding, there was this scent in the room that passed through their nostrils and suddenly they remembered someone. It was the very scent that their mother was using. The recalling of their mom just by a scent tells that they really misses the presence of their deceased mother. They wouldn’t leave the room because they really want to be with their mom even though it was only the scent of their mother which remained. They cherished it very much and imagined that she was there with them. They remembered the times that she was still alive and to make every moment special but all they could do was to mourn about the death of their mother.
As the wedding started the scent vanished slowly. Even though it was only a moment that they did feel the presence of their mom, they still made it unforgettable. 

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